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2025 CES Innovation Awards - Call for Judges Event Banner
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Apply to Judge the CES 2025® Innovation Awards

We are seeking experts in the fields of industry design, engineering and members of the media to judge products for the prestigious CES 2025 Innovation Awards.

NOTE: This page is for judge applications. If you are attempting to submit a product for consideration, please visit the CES Innovation Awards Call for Entries.

Applications due: Friday, Aug. 23, 2024 by 11:59 PM EDT
Judge Notification: By mid-Sept. 2024 via email
Judging Period: Monday, Sept. 23 - Friday, Oct. 4, 2024

To begin the online application, create an account below. Note, prior year accounts are not valid.

  • Each prospective judge must complete this application themselves. Applications completed on behalf of someone else will not be accepted. 
  • If selected as a judge, each product entry takes approximately 20-25 minutes to evaluate. A judge will receive a maximum of 35 products for review. 
  • Application must include a current resume and professional headshot.
  • *Please note if you've submitted an application in the past, your details have not been saved in the system and you will need to create a new account below.*

Create account or log in

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