Call for Anti-Racist Medical Education Resources
The AAMC invites submissions for inclusion in the new Constructing an Equitable, Inclusive, and Anti-racist Learning Environment Compendium, a collection of timely and diverse materials that support an anti-racist, inclusive, and equity-centered learning environment. Successful submissions will include content aligned with the competency domains described in the
AAMC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Competencies for Medical Educators.
We seek all freely available resources pertaining to constructing an anti-racist learning environment. While, we have a particular interest in assessment, faculty development, and curriculum resources related to the AAMC’s competency domains, all submissions will be considered.
Examples may include but are not limited to the following: clinical learning experiences, didactics, educational frameworks, guidelines, assessment tools, tip sheets, and checklists.
here for detailed submission instructions.
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