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Welcome to the 2025 Spring CV Review Program
Submissions will be accepted from participants from March 3–March 30. To submit your CV, click the Join Now button under New Users to create your account. All submitters must create an account the first time they log in, even if they have submitted a CV in previous review cycles.
Participants should receive feedback from the reviewer(s) via email by May 6. If feedback is not received by this date, email us at newpractitioners@ashp.org. Please do not contact the New Practitioners Forum before May 6 to request feedback.
Participants agree to send their assigned reviewer(s) an email confirming that feedback was received and thanking the reviewer for their time.
**Please note: You must have an active ASHP membership to participate in this program**
If you have any questions regarding ASHP's Spring CV Review Program email us at newpractitioners@ashp.org or visit the ASHP website.
Participants should receive feedback from the reviewer(s) via email by May 6. If feedback is not received by this date, email us at newpractitioners@ashp.org. Please do not contact the New Practitioners Forum before May 6 to request feedback.
Participants agree to send their assigned reviewer(s) an email confirming that feedback was received and thanking the reviewer for their time.
**Please note: You must have an active ASHP membership to participate in this program**
If you have any questions regarding ASHP's Spring CV Review Program email us at newpractitioners@ashp.org or visit the ASHP website.
Log in to the Submission Site
New Users
Click 'Join Now' to begin your first submission.
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