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2025 EFF Fellows Research Grant Program Event Banner
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Endocrine Fellows Foundation
Fellows Research Grant Program
Applications Due March 7, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET

Grant Eligibility
The applicant must be a current endocrine fellow or a recent graduate (less than 1-year post graduation) working at an ACGME accredited endocrine program and be sponsored by a full-time faculty member. Both the applicant and the sponsor must be recommended by the chairperson of the department/division in which the proposed research is to be undertaken. Past recipients and past applicants of an Endocrine Fellows Foundation grant award are eligible to apply again.

The applicant should hold a MD, DO, or MBBS degree and have completed medical residency training. MD-PhD applicants should have no more than two years post-doctorate experience. PhD applicants without an MD or DO degree may apply, however, priority will be given to MD, DO, and MBBS applicants.

The applicant’s institution, department leadership, and the applicant are jointly responsible for the accuracy and validity of the information contained in the application and for the proper administration of awarded funds. As such, the applicant, the sponsor/mentor, the program director, department chair, and a designated financial officer will need to sign off on the application via the submission portal. A single person may be designated to fill multiple leadership roles.

Application Requirements

  • Research Proposal of no more than 2,000 words
  • Additional graphs and images can be included as a PDF in the "Additional Documents" Section
  • Detailed Budget for Grant Funds
  • Applicant's C/V
  • Statement from Applicant's Mentor
  • Human Research Committee Approval (if required)
  • Animal Research Committee Approval (if required)
  • Committee on Biohazards Approval (if required)
  • Institution sign-off for the proper administration of funds from the Foundation to the sponsoring institution, the maintenance of accurate and complete financial records documenting the use of these funds, and the guidance of the fellow to make appropriate fiduciary decisions.

Award Administration
Grant funding determines the number of awardees for each cycle. Each grant will be a one-time award for a one to two year time frame. 2025 Grant Awards will be up to $10,000 depending on the project requirements as outlined in the submitted budget. Projects with a budget of less than $10,000 will be considered and funded accordingly.

  • EFF grant funds cannot be used for salaries of any kind or indirect research costs (i.e., computers, software, durable equipment, faculty support, etc.), organization memberships, tuition support for degree enhancement or travel.
  • Expenses submitted can include experimental supplies, animal costs contingent on compliance with applicable PHS Policy requirements, and expenses for clinical studies including costs for participation of subjects, statistical analysis, and evaluation of results. Statistician costs and publication costs cannot exceed 25% of the submitted budget. Other project specific expenses will be considered if they are not listed above.
Endocrine Fellows Foundation research grants will be awarded to the institution on behalf of the fellow. The institution will then administer the funds. Unused EFF grant funds must be returned to the Foundation 60 days after the project ends or the fellow awardee leaves the designated institution.

Program Details
All applications must be received through EFF's grant system by the designated closing date. Late or incomplete submissions will not be reviewed; this includes institution sign-off.

Grant recipients will be required to submit regular progress reports to the Board of Directors of the Endocrine Fellows Foundation. The first such report will be due six months from the starting date of the research project, and the final report due 30 days after the approved project end date. The final project report must include a reconciliation of the actual project expenses compared to the originally submitted budget for the grant. ANY changes to the proposed research or budget must be approved by the Endocrine Fellows Foundation.

Grants applications are reviewed by a national faculty team of researcher leaders. The Endocrine Fellows Foundation will supply critique comments upon request.

Publications, including abstracts of presentations at scientific meetings, resulting from a project supported by an Endocrine Fellows Foundation research grant must carry the following acknowledgment: “Funding for this project was received from the Endocrine Fellows Foundation.”

Notify the Foundation of all such publications at This information will be shared with Grant donors. We would like to share your success with the Endocrine Fellows Foundation Community via our newsletters, website, or social media. Please let us know if you would prefer that your work not be shared publicly.

All application materials submitted will be kept strictly confidential.

Additional information can be found on the EFF website – Grant Application FAQs page.

Log in to the EFF Grant System

Questions? Organizer: Jenn Kirkwood -