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2025 ACCP Honors & Awards Nominations Event Banner
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Welcome to the 2025 ACCP Honors & Awards Nomination Submission Site

Nomination deadline date is November 30, 2024

You must be an ACCP member in good standing to submit a nomination.

As the nominator, you are responsible for the following actions for the nomination:

  • Confirm that the proposed Nominee is interested in being nominated for the Award.
  • If the Nominee is aware of other nominations, the Nominator should coordinate with any other Nominators so that only one nomination is submitted on behalf of the Nominee for the Award.
  • Obtain the Nominee's most current CV and verify that the Nominee meets the criteria for the Award.
  • Compose the nomination letter outlining the individual's qualifications, achievements and accomplishments specific to the Award.
  • Reach out to others to provide up to three (3) letters of support from individuals who can speak to the Nominee's qualifications and provide specific examples of their contributions as they relate to the award for which he/she is nominated. Letters may be co-signed by several authors.

  • The nominator's letter and a limit of three (3) support letters per nomination will be reviewed by the committee. Submission of more than three support letters for any given nomination will result in those additional letters being archived, but not considered by the committee.

    Submit the nominations package through this Submission Site. Nominations sent via email will not be considered.

    Nominee Eligibility Exclusions

  • In order to avoid any conflict of interest and to be fully transparent, no member of the ACCP Executive Committee and ACCP Board of Regents is eligible for nomination for an Award until at least one (1) full year after completion of his/her term. Please consult ACCP Staff to confirm a Nominee for whom this is in question.
  • Anyone actively serving on the Honors & Awards Committee is not eligible to be nominated and receive an Award.
  • Login to the Honors & Awards Nominations Site

    Questions? Organizer: Kim Preiss -