Welcome to the CoSN2024 Call for Proposals Submission Site (Educators Only)
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Questions? Organizer: Cutina Griffin -
CoSN24 Theme: Leading for Innovation at Warp Speed
How do we enable inclusive and agile technology leadership to drive innovation? While school systems are modernizing their digital ecosystems, the warp speed at which new technologies are emerging has created a K-12 technology environment drastically different from just a few years ago. Explore how building leadership matters, especially when resources are constrained. Join in on a community conversation around leading education innovation for the future of learning in a time of unprecedented change. Please click here for guidance on developing your proposal.
Please note, the Call for Educators site is for active educators only. If you would like to explore presenting a session as a vendor, please email Carla Wade, Senior Director of External Affairs, at sponsorship@cosn.org to discuss further options.