Welcome To The PAINWeek 2025 Scientific Abstract Submission Site
PAINWeek invites you to submit scientific abstracts for posters to be displayed/presented at the 2025 PAINWeek National Conference. Abstracts may be research-oriented, or evidence-based, and relevant to specialists and frontline practitioners who manage acute and chronic pain. They may include medication management, devices, and digital therapeutics. Abstracts may be a summary of research findings or a review of current evidence-based recommendations for clinical applications that are pertinent to healthcare professionals who treat patients in pain.
Abstracts for posters that will report data need to include information on the methods and results sufficient for evaluation (statements similar to “data will be presented” will not be sufficient).
Abstract Guidelines
- At least one presenting author or presenter of accepted abstracts must register at the current registration rate to attend the PAINWeek National Conference. Submission and/or acceptance of an abstract DOES NOT automatically register you for the conference.
- PAINWeek will accept abstracts that have already been presented at other medical conferences.
- Abstracts should include:
- Title of the Abstract
- Author lists and affiliations (List names of all authors, in order in which you wish them to appear in printed text).
- Corresponding author and email address.
- Full structured abstract (1,100 words or less).
- Background: 200 words
- Purpose: 150 words
- Methods: 200 words
- Results: 350 words
- Conclusions/Implications for future research and/or clinical care: 200 words
- Keywords
- Do not use tables, charts, or graphs in your abstract submission (they can be included in the actual poster).
- Funding/acknowledgments
- For example, was any research funding received for the work?
- For the acknowledgments, sometimes authors like to disclose that editorial support was received with writing an abstract
- If an AI tool is used during the drafting process of the abstract, the author should disclose their use of generative AI by adding in the Acknowledgements section that includes:
- The statement: This abstract was initially drafted using an AI tool. The authors have reviewed, revised, and finalized the content to ensure accuracy, originality, and alignment with the intended research objectives.
- The full name of the tool used (with the version number), how it was used, and the reason for its use.
- There is a limit of two abstracts one author may submit for consideration.
- The first author is responsible for communicating all these policies to all involved parties.
- Student authors are permitted to submit.
PAINWeek requires poster authors/presenters who have an interest in selling a technology, program, product, and/or service to healthcare professionals to disclose this information in order to be considered for and/or present at any PAINWeek educational session.Deadline
All abstracts MUST be submitted by 5:00p ET, Thursday, June 12, 2025. All authors will be notified via email on or by July 9, 2025.Website Posting
If your abstract is accepted, you will be notified on or by July 9, and the abstract will be posted online by August 1. Only accepted abstracts will be posted online. Posters will not be published online. Abstracts will be published in an open access supplement to the peer-reviewed journal Postgraduate Medicine in November.For additional information please visit the PAINWeek Conference Website