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2024 Admissions Summit Event Banner
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2024 Admissions Summit
Application Information

New Orleans Marriott
Tuesday, April 2, 2024 | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CT

Application Deadline: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET.

Registration fee for selected participants: $160

Limited to 25 participants

For complete information about Admissions Summit, visit: CAPCSD website.

Program Description

CAPCSD's Admissions Summit will bring together faculty members who are interested in deepening their knowledge of holistic review procedures for CSD graduate admissions processes, and we invite you to apply! We aim to build a community of individuals that can continue to support each other and sustain efforts to implement these processes over subsequent academic years following the summit. This event will be moderated by Dr. Danai Fannin and Dr. Kerry Mandulak.


At the Admissions Summit, attendees will be provided with evidence-based education around admissions, and will support member programs in developing new or adjusted admissions processes. This event seeks to advance the goals of programs that prioritize increasing diversity of incoming student cohorts on multiple dimensions. It will focus on exploring and dismantling systems and processes in admissions that have perpetuated the exclusion of minoritized students who are capable of and qualified for graduate work. The summit has been designed to provide both content knowledge and time to "workshop "the ideas presented. Attendees will be able to collaborate and strategize in small group discussions so they can walk away from the summit with implementable strategies to integrate the changes into admissions processes at the individual program level. The ultimate hope of the summit is to develop a community mobilized for collaborative work after the summit concludes.

Important Dates

  • Monday, October 2, 2023 - Applications open
  • Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - Applications are due at 11:59 PM ET
  • Wednesday, December 6, 2023 - All applicants are notified regarding selection
  • Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - Participants must confirm, register, and pay registration fee, or an alternate participant will be selected.

Application Information

Complete the application and provide the requested information and responses.
  1. Contact information
  2. Upload a CV
  3. Number of academic faculty (estimate)
  4. Number of clinical faculty (estimate)
  5. Does your university offer an undergraduate CSD program?
  6. What's your university / program's typical cohort size? (If you have multiple cohorts, you can also indicate that here.)
  7. Does your university / program accept a substantial amount (i.e., 40%+) of undergraduates from your university into the graduate program (estimate is acceptable)?
  8. What was the average number of students accepted to your program for each of the following years? (2020-2021; 2021-2022; 2022-2023)
  9. What is the average acceptance rate for your program over the past three years? (Compute the Average Number of Applicants / Total Applicants for the years 2020-2021 + 2021-2022 + 2022-2023)
  10. What was the range of GPA of accepted students for each of the following years? (2020-2021; 2021-2022; 2022-2023)
  11. Does your university / program require the GRE as an application requirement?
  12. Did your university / program's GRE requirement change over the past three years?
  13. Briefly describe your program's recommendation letter process and expectations.
  14. Briefly describe your program's personal statement process and expectations.
  15. Briefly describe your program's interview process, if your program uses one (having an interview process is not a requirement to implement holistic review processes.)
  16. Which holistic review strategies for admissions are being implemented by your university or program currently?
    • Your university / program evaluates applicant criteria related to specific mission or goals of the school (i.e. primary care, research mission, global health, urban or rural focus).
    • Your university / program has a mission statement for admissions that includes diversity.
    • Your university / program considers non-academic criteria as well as academic metrics (i.e., GPA, test scores) in the initial screening process.
    • Your university / program evaluates non-academic criteria related to student background or experience in the initial screening (i.e., first-generation status, socioeconomic status, gender, race, foreign language ability, community of origin).
    • Your university / program selects students from the waitlist by characteristics related to school’s mission or goals.
    • Your university / program provides training for the admissions committee related to school mission and / or diversity.
    • Other
  17. How would you characterize the degree of support you have from colleagues, admissions staff, and administration to make changes in your program’s admissions processes (i.e., do you need help encouraging faculty to buy-in to using holistic admissions strategies?)
  18. The ultimate goal of this summit is to develop a community mobilized for collaborative work. In addition to the community, participants will also be expected to submit short- and long-term outcomes of their progress in implementing the holistic review strategies presented at this summit.  1) What is / are a strategy(ies) or concept(s) you would like to learn at this summit? 2) Over the next few years, what do you hope to gain from your engagement in this community? 3) How could you contribute to ongoing changes in admissions processes in CSD?


Click here to contact Megan Woods.

To begin an application, click on the 'Register Now' button.

If you have already begun a 2024 Admissions Summit application, enter your email address, access key, and click the 'Log In' button below.

Log in to the Abstract ScoreCard

Questions? Organizer: Mandie McKenzie -