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Welcome to the FDI 2019 World Dental Congress Poster Abstract Submission site.
Log in to the Poster Abstract Submission Website
- Authors can submit abstracts for oral presentations and posters. However, the final presentation type of the accepted abstract is under the discretion of congress scientific committee.
- Authors can submit abstracts for original studies or case reports. No literature reviews will be accepted.
- Authors may submit up to 3 abstracts but present only 1 abstract (for example: 1 abstract as presenting author and 2 abstracts as author)
- All abstracts must be prepared and presented in English only.
- Abstract shall not be longer than 250 words.
- Abstract shall include specific sections (see below Abstract Content / Sections)
- Abstract title must be less than 10 words and express the researches essence.
- Name, last name, title, institution, city and contact details of authors shall be stated clearly.
- Presenting author shall be stated in the system.
- Abstract body shall not include any indication of the personal details of authors.
- Abstract body shall not include any tables, charts or graphics.
- Abstract body shall avoid reference to institution names, locations, or funding sources.
- Abstract body and commercial / trade names:
- For original studies, abstract body shall not include any reference to commercial / trade names. Only generic names can be used.
- For case report abstracts, the trade name may be used but must be accompanied by the generic name
- Abstracts of the unfinished researches will not be evaluated.
- The abstract has not been submitted and accepted at another national or international scientific meeting.
Authors can submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations
Poster sessions will last 1 hour. There will be 5 presentations during each Poster session. Presenters will be asked to attend the full session. The time limit for each presentation is 10 minutes verbal presentation followed by a 2 minutes discussion. All presentations will be in English only.
Poster format will be e-posters, not paper posters (Posters will be display on screens, not on boards). Poster sessions will be held in the poster area where there will be screens to project e-posters.
Oral Presentation
Free communication sessions will last 1 hour. There will be 4 presentations during the session. Presenters will be asked to attend the full session. The time limit for each presentation is 10 minutes verbal presentation followed by a 3-5 minutes discussion. All presentations will be in English only.
Abstract Categories
- General Dentistry
- Oral Health and Systemic Health
- Digital Dentistry
- Gerodontology
- Special Care Dentistry
- Others
- Preventive Dentistry
- Caries prevention
- Prevention and Periodontal diseases
- Epidemiology
- Interceptive Orthodontics
- Public Health
- Dental erosion and non-carious lesions
- Dental Treatment & Restorative Dentistry
- Caries
- Periodontics
- Endodontics
- Pedodontics
- Materials
- Esthetics
- Prosthodontics
- Orthodontics
- Oral Surgery, Medicine and Cancer
- Implantology
- Oral Surgery
- Oral Medicine
- Oral Pathology
- Oral Immunology
A. Abstract sections for Original Study Abstracts
1. Title:
Abstract title must be less than 10 words. The initial letter of the title must be capitalized. It should express the researches essence (concise summary) and should convince the reader that the topic is important, relevant, and innovative.
2. Aim or purpose:
In one brief sentence, provide the rational for the investigation and/or the question to be answered, with or without short citation(s). Citations should be listed and provide the name and initials of authors (max 3), title of article, title of journal, year of publication, the volume number and first and last page numbers in full.
3. Materials and methods:
The experimental conditions should be reported briefly (i.e. age group, nature of the animals, sex, and approval from the Ethics Committee at the presenter’s institution). The clinical approach should be precise, and the period of time studied taken into account in the interpretation. The methods used should also be clearly indicated (i.e. image analysis, biochemical data, histological, immune-histological or molecular probes used for the analysis of the data, statistical significance).
4. Results:
The results should be stated in a maximum of three sentences.
This is any conclusion(s) that can be drawn from the presentation. This final statement is crucial because it supports the scientific value of the poster.
B.Abstract sections for Case Report Abstracts
1. Title:
Abstract title must be less than 10 words. The initial letter of the title must be capitalized. It should express the researches essence (concise summary) and should convince the reader that the topic is important, relevant, and innovative. It is not necessary to describe everything about the case in the title.
2. Introduction:
The case report abstract begins with a short introduction. It describes the context of the case and demonstrates its relevance or importance.
3. Case Description:
Case Reports needs to represent treatment (new or novel) approaches to dealing with specific clinical problems. When reporting the case, comply the essential guidelines of medical/dental communication; describe in sequence the medical and/or dental history, physical examination, investigative study(studies), and the progress and outcome. Product trade names used in the case treatment must be accompanied by a generic term, and followed by the manufacturer in parentheses.
4. Discussion:
The principal objective of the discussion is to review why decisions were made and summarize the lesson from the case. Clinical Considerations should be included by a brief description of the clinical materials and techniques employed. Not uncommonly, reports from the literature, or their absence, are cited that either directly support or contradict the findings of the case. The best case report abstracts are those that give a small number of learning points in clear and concise language.
5. Conclusion/clinical significance:
In a few sentences, the clinical importance and implications of the research or clinical technique should be discussed and included, and if applicable, its relevance to clinical dentistry.
Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation by the reviewers is based on:
- Scientific or Clinical interest in the question to be assessed
- Sufficient data provided
- Innovation
- Clinical impact
- Abstract acceptance letters will be sent by May 1, 2019
- Abstract acceptance letters will be sent to the submitting author’s contact e-mail address he/she entered in the system.
- All accepted abstracts will be highlighted in the system and authors will be able to monitor the actual situation of their abstracts.
- At least 1 of the authors of each accepted abstract shall register before May 31, 2019, for the abstract to be presented at the congress and included in the final scientific program and abstract book.
Certificate of Participation
They will be awarded via email and after the Congress concludes.
Poster presenters are required to be present physically to present their posters at times specified.
Important note to Abstract Authors and Presenters:
-The abstract author who will present must register to the congress.
-You may submit up to 3 abstracts but present only 1 abstract (for example: 1 abstract as presenting author and 2 abstracts as author)
-You may not present previously published or presented work.
-The official language of the meeting and all communications must be in English.
-No commercial products or techniques will be permitted.
Questions in regards to overall Poster Program, Poster Content and Poster format please do not hesitate to contact Isabelle Bourzeix FDI Congress and Education Manager at IBourzeix@fdiworlddental.org