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2025 Doctoral Education Conference Event Banner
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Welcome to AACN’s Abstract Submission Platform for The 2025 Doctoral Education Conference and the Pre-Conferences: Faculty Practice Pre-Conference and Research Leadership Network (RLN) Program!

2025 Doctoral Education Conference
January 16-18 2025

Submission Deadline / Due Date: September 9, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. ET

We hope you will join us at the 2025 Doctoral Education Conference in Coronado, CA on January 16-18, 2025. We are now accepting abstract submissions for poster and podium presentations for the 2025 Doctoral Education Conference, the Faculty Practice Pre-conference, and the RLN Program.

2025 Doctoral Education Conference
Conference theme: "Navigating Complexity in Doctoral Nursing Education: Ingenuity, Impact, Influence."

Submission Topics:
    • Reimagining Doctoral Nursing Education
    • Leveraging Technology and Ingenuity in Education and Practice
    • Leading Impact and Influence in Healthcare and Higher Education
    • Cultivating Belonging in Doctoral Nursing Education

Pre-Conference: Faculty Practice Pre-Conference
Conference theme: "Bridging the Gap: Intersecting Practice and Academia". The submission topics should relate to this theme.

Pre-Conference: Research Leadership Network (RLN) Program
Conference theme: "Supporting and Inspiring Research and Scholarship in Nursing Education". The submission topics should relate to this theme.

Please ensure that you have reviewed the submission guidelines before submitting your abstract.
For additional information about abstract submissions, please click here.

To begin your abstract submission, please click “Join Now” below.

Log in to the Abstract ScoreCard

Questions? Organizer: Abigail Jones -